Thursday, May 7, 2009

My new baby: The 2009 MAC cool eyes trip palette

Since I've only been "into" MAC for less than a year, I have a mental list of older colors that I want to get my hands on. These are colors that I have seen on other blogs/websites, or colors that everyone seems to love. Included on this mental list were Springtime Skipper (from the Barbie collection) and Waternymph (I believe from the Lure collection). Imagine my excitement when I found out that these two colors were going to be in one of the 2009 trip palettes!

I wasn't familiar with the trip collections until recently. It is an annual collection that is only available in duty free shops in certain airports. I knew I wouldn't be at an airport any time soon, so I figured I'd try to pick it up on Ebay or Then I found a seller on who was willing to pick up anything you wanted, and ship it to you. I was so stoked - I ordered it from her immediately.
Let me say that I freaking love this thing. It's pure gorgeousness. Included are 5 colors. From left to right they are:

Prismique (lustre)
Springtime Skipper (veluxe pearl)
Waternymph (frost)
Knight Divine (veluxe pearl)
Flashtrack (veluxe pearl)

Prismique is a typical lustre - not great color payoff, and a gritty texture. Pretty good fall out too. Knight Divine is from the permanent collection. I already have this, but it's a wonderful color that everyone should have in their collection - I didn't mind having two of them. Flashtrack was in the permanent line, but was discontinued. It's a dark navy - very pretty, but I have others like it. So I basically got the palette for the two colors I wanted, and I'm totally okay with that. I'm so happy to finally have them in my collection, and I can't wait to play around with them.


  1. can you share this makeup geek user? i am on there too and i started a thread to ask if someone lived close by one and would get it for me but no one really responded saying they would?!
    pleaaaaaaaaaaaseeeeeee share!! :)

  2. Hey Kimber! The user's name is lannie, and there's a thread on the sale/swap forum. Hope that helps!!

  3. Wow, that springtime skipper looks AWESOME! Hope you get to use it soon and show it off!:)
